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Showing posts from January, 2025

No TV, No Snacks, No Bourbon, Oh My! Day 10 of Exodus 90: A Journey Toward Freedom and Brotherhood

No TV, No Snacks, No Bourbon, Oh My!   Day 10 of Exodus 90: A Journey Toward Freedom and Brotherhood Our lives change when our habits change.  But in today’s fast-paced, convenience-driven culture, comfort is king. From heated showers and endless streaming options to the instant gratification from an indulgent snack, modern life is designed to ensure we never feel discomfort for long. Yet, the Exodus 90 program flips that concept on its head calling men to embrace cold showers, a digital detox, and the elimination of indulgences. The first few days of this journey have revealed much about the grip comfort and distraction have on our lives—and the transformative power that comes from breaking free of it.   But to be honest, the hardest part of this journey so far hasn’t been unplugging from social media, giving up TV or going cold turkey with my evening bourbon.  It has been finding an hour to pray, or even knowing what to do during this time.  That’s r...

Health Benefits? Day 5 of Exodus 90: A Journey Toward Freedom and Brotherhood

  Health Benefits?   Day 5 of Exodus 90: A Journey Toward Freedom and Brotherhood Embarking on Exodus 90 is no small feat. It’s a 90-day challenge that demands physical discipline, mental focus, and spiritual growth. While it’s anchored in faith, the health benefits of this program can be transformative for the whole person. We are only five days into the program, and Exodus 90’s emphasis on ascetic practices has already had a profound impact on physical health. By eliminating alcohol, soda, snacking, and desserts, I am already seeing improved energy levels, better sleep, and even weight loss. Although I had already followed my 16-year-old's guidance to get my fat ass into shape in early December, the program’s requirement to engage in regular, intense exercise three times a week is making me optimistic about establishing a fitness routine that can last far beyond the 90 days. One of the brothers doing the program with me has a wife who is a holistic nurse and offered to ...

You Want Me To Do What? My First Day of Exodus 90: A Journey Toward Freedom and Brotherhood

Today marked my first step into Exodus 90, a spiritual journey that I had heard about for years from a work buddy but had never dared to undertake. For those unfamiliar, Exodus 90 is a 90-day Catholic Spiritual Exercise for Men focused on prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. As a product of Catholic Schools through 18th grade, and a long-time member of Cure of Ars Catholic Church, I thought I had a pretty good handle on my faith. But I realized I’d grown too comfortable—too distracted by life’s conveniences and too distant from the discipline that deepens one’s relationship with Christ.  As mentioned above, I thought I had things figured out, but when I truly sat down and thought about it, things weren’t as good as they seemed.  Most men are burdened with endless distractions, loneliness and self-doubt.  This program provided a roadmap for overcoming these chronic problems many men have.   If I had to rate myself on a scale of 1-10: Prayer Life:  6 out of 10...