Health Benefits?
Day 5 of Exodus 90: A Journey Toward Freedom and Brotherhood
Embarking on Exodus 90 is no small feat. It’s a 90-day challenge that demands physical discipline, mental focus, and spiritual growth. While it’s anchored in faith, the health benefits of this program can be transformative for the whole person.
We are only five days into the program, and Exodus 90’s emphasis on ascetic practices has already had a profound impact on physical health. By eliminating alcohol, soda, snacking, and desserts, I am already seeing improved energy levels, better sleep, and even weight loss. Although I had already followed my 16-year-old's guidance to get my fat ass into shape in early December, the program’s requirement to engage in regular, intense exercise three times a week is making me optimistic about establishing a fitness routine that can last far beyond the 90 days. One of the brothers doing the program with me has a wife who is a holistic nurse and offered to do bloodwork to assess everyone’s health progress. Since I just had a physical a week or so before, I will use those numbers as a baseline to gauge the impact and circle back towards the end of the program to see how this program impacted my overall health.
Additionally, the sacrifices of snacks, sweets, etc have encouraged mindfulness about what I consume daily. I’m learning to listen to my body’s actual needs rather than relying on comfort foods or indulgences. The simplicity of these practices has revealed how much unnecessary consumption can cloud both physical and spiritual health….and am learning how often when I was bored, I simply went to the kitchen to get a snack or drink.
Welcome to the window of Brian’s health. I have like forty lab readings, but here are the key ones I am not necessarily proud of and anticipate this program impacting:
• Weight: 183
• BMI: xxx
• Blood Pressure: xxx/xx
• Pulse: 71
• Blood Sugars (Hemoglobin A1C): x.x
• Glucose: xxx
• Total Cholesterol: xxx
Yeah, these numbers are not great….but also not horrible. Although the doctors in my group might say otherwise.
As we have previously discussed, Exodus 90 isn’t just a spiritual journey—it’s a holistic approach to health and wellness. By dedicating yourself to the discipline, I am hoping we all will emerge stronger, healthier, and more grounded in every area of our lives.
Only 85 more days to go.
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