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Finding Strength In The Routine Day 25 of Exodus 90: A Journey Toward Freedom and Brotherhood

Finding Strength In The Routine

Day 25 of Exodus 90: A Journey Toward Freedom and Brotherhood

At the 25-day mark of Exodus 90, something begins to happen—you start to settle into a rhythm.  You start to fall into a routine.  The new car smell is gone, and all you see is 65 more days until the finish line.  This was one of the main topics earlier this week during my weekly check-in with my Exodus Brothers.   The initial shock of self-denial has passed, and the sacrifices that once felt overwhelming now seem more familiar. Cold showers, daily prayer, and detachment from distractions have become part of your routine. Yet, despite this newfound sense of structure, the struggle to stay focused remains.

This is the point in the journey where complacency starts to creep in. The excitement of beginning something new has faded, but the finish line is still far off. The middle of any transformative process is often the most challenging. The initial motivation that propelled you forward is no longer enough to sustain you, and you must now rely on discipline, perseverance, and grace to keep moving forward.   This is also where I am thinking my Anchor and Exodus Brothers are going to have to step it up.  We all need to keep each other focused, motivated and make sure each of us keep our eyes on the prize that comes at Easter.   

The Danger of Going Through the Motions

We have all mastered the logistics of Exodus 90. We know when to wake up, when to pray, what to avoid, and how to structure our days (for the most part). But as we sat and spoke the other night, a lot of the discussion was around how “are you still engaging with the process fully, or are you just going through the motions?” This is the time we all need to ask ourselves: Am I truly seeking transformation, or have I just settled into a pattern of self-denial without deeper spiritual renewal?

Routine is a gift, but it can also become a trap. The key to making it through the next two months is to remain present and intentional in our sacrifices. If prayer time has become mechanical, slow down. If the Exodus chat line feels routine, remind yourself of its purpose and ping your Anchor or another Brother for advice and guidance (or better yet, set up a coffee talk).  Seriously, that is where Sean and I have had our best conversations. If fasting has become easier, push yourself to offer it up more intentionally.

The Ongoing Struggle for Focus

Even with a solid routine, distractions still arise. The mind wanders in prayer, cravings for comfort return, and the temptation to justify small compromises grows stronger. The enemy loves to work in these moments of fatigue, whispering that you have already done enough, that no one will notice if you slack off, sneak those peanuts, or that it would be easier to simply coast through the rest of the journey.  But that is the Devil trying to knock you off your game.  On the days when focus seems impossible, when prayer feels dry, or when you are tempted to give up, lean into Him. Offer your struggles to Christ, who fasted for 40 days in the desert. He knows what it means to be tempted. He knows the difficulty of endurance.  So suck it up and get it done.

But that said, Exodus 90 is not about ease—it’s about transformation. And true transformation requires endurance.  The struggle is part of the process, and on the other side of it, something greater awaits. Stay the course, and embrace the suck.

Only 65 more days to go.  


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