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The Discipline of Fasting. Day 30 of Exodus 90: A Journey Toward Freedom and Brotherhood

The Discipline of Fasting.

Day 30 of Exodus 90: A Journey Toward Freedom and Brotherhood

This past Sunday, while attending mass at St. Johns at Creighton University, I got to do something I haven’t done in almost five years.  Receive the Blood of Christ.  And as I was just sitting back and taking in this moment, I realized that while fasting over these past 30 days might leave our body weaker…I was reminded that our truest nourishment doesn’t come from food, but from Him. And receiving the Blood of Christ this past weekend gave me a newfound sense of grace and endurance to persevere in this Exodus 90 journey. So while my tummy grumbles, I just need to keep thinking about my end goal and how I can continue to use this journey with all of you to truly transform my life. While the journey involves a complete restructuring of daily habits—one of the most impactful disciplines for me has been fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays – and to be honest, this is one discipline I haven’t screwed up yet. This said, what began as a simple act of self-denial has evolved into a powerful tool for spiritual renewal, physical discipline, and self-mastery.

At first, fasting twice a week was daunting, not only for me, but for my Exodus Brothers. The hunger pains, the frequent grumble, the loss of energy, and the mental fog felt like an uphill battle. But this is nothing new.  I mean I have fasted over Lent for as long as I can remember.  Every Friday, during those 40 days.  Well most.  Now that I think about it, maybe a few Fridays when I remembered.  But by Good Friday, I was full on monk mode with my fasting skills. But as the first few weeks have passed participating in Exodus 90, I have noticed remarkable changes in my body.

  1. Increased Energy and Focus – Contrary to what I expected, fasting didn’t leave me exhausted. Instead, my body adapted, and I found myself more alert and focused.  Sean is this what you and Elizabeth feel as you fast throughout the year?  
  2. Appreciation for Food – When breaking my fast, I truly savored every bite. I became more mindful of what I ate and learned to appreciate food as nourishment rather than indulgence.  
  3. Discipline Over My Cravings – Fasting helped me realize how often I ate out of boredom, habit, or emotion. Saying "no" to food twice a week strengthened my willpower in other areas of life as well. I sure hope this is a huge change that comes out of Exodus in that I learn to find other sources of comfort to turn to vs food when I am bored.

Beyond the physical benefits, fasting became a deeply spiritual practice. The hunger I felt wasn’t just physical—it became a reminder of my dependence on God.

  1. A Call to Prayer – Each time I felt the urge to eat, I turned to prayer. It became an opportunity to unite my small suffering with Christ’s sacrifice.  I never knew the significance as to why we fasted until Exodus.
    • Wednesday fasting was in remembrance of when Judas betrayed Jesus
    • Friday fasting was in remembrance of the Lord’s death
  2. Strength in Weakness – Fasting reminded me of my limitations. It humbled me and helped me rely more on God’s grace rather than my own strength.
  3. Solidarity with the Poor – Going without food, even temporarily, gave me a greater sense of empathy for those who don’t have the luxury of breaking their fast with a full meal.

I know this next point is something other Exodus Brothers aren’t feeling, but fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays is no longer something I dread—it has become a source of strength. It has refined my character, sharpened my self-discipline, and deepened my faith. Through fasting, I have experienced the freedom of self-mastery—the ability to control my desires rather than be controlled by them.

Last week I said that we needed to Embrace The Suck, and just plow through.  This week, I say, embrace the fast. It’s not just about food—it’s about transformation, freedom, and drawing closer to God. Learning to say "no" to the body strengthens the ability to say "yes" to the spirit. If I can control my urge to eat, I can control my reactions, my thoughts, and my emotions. 

Only 60 more days to go.  


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